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Showing posts from May, 2017

Afiqah Norman Get Married

Afiqah, I think it is not too late for me to wish you happy marriage.  May Allah bless your marriage till Jannah.  As I look into the past pictures, I think this was the last picture that we took together with Azim.   To Azim, I sincerely envy (good) you and you are really a great man.  May Allah rewards you and all of us Jannah. X cukup nasi minyak, sental laksa pulak.. - A Great Marriage Is Not When The Perfect Couple Comes Together.  It Is When An Imperfect Couple Learns To Enjoy Their Differences -

Live Generously En. Azmi

Alhamdullillah and thank you En. Azmi for the kind treat, Ikan Bakar at Jalan Bellamy.  May Allah bless you today and always. - Where Grace Happens, Generosity Happens -

Steamboat and South Korea..

Hang out with the girlfriends from Korea trip whereby everyone seems cannot move on from that.  Of course the main topic anything about Korea from the first day until the last day.  Steamboat restaurant at Subang Jaya became our choice on that day.  Personally, it is OK if we meet some friends occasionally to strengthen our relationship. - A Simple Hello Could Lead To A Million Things -


We woke up early to see the sunrise and to hear the waves sound.  As today is the last day, we took a rest as much as possible whereby we enjoyed the peacefulness of the nature.  We rode a boat at 12.30 pm to Semporna and I started feeling sad especially when Tahir started sang 'Leaving On A Jetplane'.  This is kinda tradition to sing 'Leaving On A Jetplane' to visitors with some minor amendment.   Semporna, I will be coming soon!! All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go I'm standing here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye But the dawn is breakin' It's early morn The taxi's waitin' He's blowin' his horn Already I'm so lonesome I could cry   So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you'll wait for me Hold me like you'll never let me go I'm leavin' Mabul Island I Don't know when I'll be back again Oh, babe, I hate to go   There's so many times I've let you down So m


Today, is the day.  The most awaited day of the trip.  We went scuba diving in Mabul Island i.e Paradise 1 and House Reef.  We got ready for diving as early as possible after the breakfast.  Even though we had done Discovery Scuba Diving (DSD) before, we still got nervous.  As usual, our dive master, Tahir gave a briefing on the equipment and the skills that we need to know. Life ring.. Kapalai Island.. Kapalai island.. After the first diving, Tahir asked us whether we would like to do snorkeling at Kapalai Island.  Without hesitate, we just agree to join because we never know when we will back again in Semporna.  We just hanged on the life ring and Mell pulled us to snorkeling site. This time, I don't feel to kick my leg as I'm extremely tired. As I got opportunity to observe scuba divers' community.  They are very sociable, encourage and supportive people.  They will asked, have you having fun during diving? Are you ok? Are you not diving today?


 Alhamdulillah, the weather is so good today and we managed to hike in the Bohey Dulang Island.  This island is very famous for the magnificent view at the top of the peak.  Personally, I think the picture will be awesome if we use drone. The hikers will be presented with majestic view after climb along a 600m trail.  I felt extremely tired due to my laziness in work out.  As we reached in the island, there are many tourists already started their hike and please comes early, otherwise, it will be flooded with tourists. Shamir accompanied us to the top of Bohey Dulang and since he regularly hiking here, this is considers as a small piece of cake for him.   One thing I aware with Sabah people, they really like to help people.  If you rejected their help, they will feel insulted. One moment that I still remember when Peeqa reached her hand to help one China lady where both f her hands full with things.  The lady simply rejected, "ooh I'm OK".  All the Sabahan guides