We had our heavy breakfast such as roti canai at mamak's restaurant called Nafisah. The stomach must be filled because we need a lot of energy. Today, we will be hiking at Bohey Dulang Island. We rode our boat in front of the Noble Inworld's office and as we understood there will be two boats from this company that will go into the same directions i.e our boat and another one boat filled with Chinese tourists.

Our guide for today's trip is Roy where he has much experience in this field. The first stop was Bohey Dulang Island and according to him, we need to reach this island early, otherwise, the top of the hill will be flooded with tourists. Unfortunately, the ranger of the Island did not allowed all the tourists to hike due to rain yesterday. We felt upset because the trip will not be completed without hiking at Bohey Dulang Island. However, I always believe that if Allah wills it, it will happen. If not today, maybe some other time. We cant always get what we want. After negotiation with Noble Inworld, they agreed that we will come again tomorrow for hiking. Thus, we only snapped some pictures in the area of Bohey Dulang Island. Subhanallah! Subahanallah! The view is so stunning!
Our guide, Roy.. |
Crystal clear.. |
Roy brought us to second island i.e Mantabuan Island. Our government had installed military guardhouse for every island, so, do not worry about your safety. There are also signboard clearly mentioned that "not allowed to take pictures of military guardhouse". We only came to know that the sea gypsies inhabit also in another part of this island when we went to the snorkeling spot. Since, we got a problem with an action camera, all the underwater photos cannot be showed. The most important thing is to witness the beauty of underwater world with your own eyes.
Sea gypsies lady... |
Nak juga menyemak ramai2 kat tunggul tu... |
Rumah bajau laut.. |
We checked in the third island and the last island for today i.e Sibuan island which is nearby Mantabuan Island. It locally known as 'Battleship island' which is covered by white sandy beach. There are few sea gypsies families that live in the Sibuan Island whereby there is no chalets or resorts on the islands. We had our lunch on the boat which was prepared by Noble Inworld. They also prepared mineral waters, bananas and some kuihs for our energy. Here, I have made a mistake by touched the blue linckia starfish. Never touch or feed marine animals. We can not touch them because it may injure the divers and also marine animals. The slightest contact of human touch may cause damage to them. Further, do not feed fish because they are unable to digest human food. They will get stomachache. "Take Nothing But Photos, Leave Nothing But Bubble".
Dont feed fish!! |
Roy takes a nap.. |
Licnkia starfish.. |
Our lunch.. |
- Life Is A Beach. Enjoy The Waves -
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